A downloadable game for Windows

A game about a psychic thief who just stole a diamond, guide him through the rooftops to his scape car.

W/A/S/D moves the character

SPACE jumps

LMB grabs objects

RMB dashes/throws objects

Mouse Wheel Pulls/Pushes the object you are holding

Q freezes objects in the air

F slows down time

R resets

Press ESCAPE to quit the game ( there's no menu, but I might update it after the jam to add enemies, more mechanics and loger and better levels ).

The High and Ultra options break the game, if you start without clicking those the game will default to Ultra and work fine, but if you click them everything will look super dark.

Ending song:

Three Chain Links – Drive Fast: http://youtu.be/G4ZQNT-PMyE


Neon Escape.zip 248 MB

Install instructions

Download the ZIP file, extract it and play.

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